Sunday, June 3, 2007


[If you can't see the title correctly, better upgrade your language pack.]

They say, living in the past is futile. The past is the past. One cannot do anything to change it. But memories will never exist if there is no past. Imagine a world that only exists in a second. We are a result of our past. Never forget that. Without the past, what would we cherish or hate?

The past is the past. It is certain and will never change forever.

Living in the present is living for the present. The past does not matter. Nor does the future. What is important is what is happening in the present. People embrace everything they face, whether it is pleasant or not. They face the challenges they meet in their own way of living. Without the present, we would never be existing right now.

We make our present. We decide which road to take in the crossroads.

After that, it becomes the past. The present then becomes permanent, resembling either an immortal wound or the most beautiful rose frozen in eternal ice.

Living for the future is living the present full of optimism. "There would always be tomorrow." But sometimes, they rely too much on the future. They are the bravest of all, because they live for uncertainty.

The future can be scary or not. It could be safe or dangerous. It can be the end or the beginning. The future is unsure until it becomes the present.

And when it does, we decide which fragment of our thoughts becomes a reality. We invoke our unique power to choose.

And then, we either weep due to mourning or smile due to the wonderful morning.

せいかつわ むずかしですが、すばらし だって たいせつな ひとです。 あなたわ せいかつを なめるです たとえ ときどき せいかつわ とても けがらわしい。 どうも ありがとう ございます、ともだち。 あなたわ わたし の きのう、きょう、あしたを つくる たいせつなです。

[Life is difficult but wonderful because of persons important to you. You live life even if sometimes, it is very unfair. Thank you very much, friend. You make my past, present, and future important.]

なにも こわがることないんだね、わたし、あなた、だきしめるよ。。。

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