Man is different from any other living organism that exists in the world because only he and only her has the opportunity to face crossroads. They are always placed in a position where they need to make a humble or mighty decision. Because of this, man is able to quietly arrange his new future in his bidding, intentional or not. Man lives in time; man lives in the present as the result of the interwoven events of the past and the future. Ironically, man is the result of the crosspoint of two non-existent objects: the nothingness of the expired past, and the nothingness of the still immaterial future. Man resides in a tiny fraction of a second, struggling to stay in the present and not trip down and get swallowed by the past; and pacing himself according to the wills of time, not running ahead of what is supposed to be happening. Man lives now, and in this now, man chooses his path. The past cannot be touched, but this doesn't mean that the present is untouchable as well -- a result of a predetermined path even before he is born. Man is greatly limited in his temporailty, but in his limitations, he sees his true potential, and develops it, making man more man and man live in a more meaningful environment.
It is never true that man is powerless to change his course in destiny. In man's simple actions, such as smiling to a friend, looking at a stranger, or helping an elderly cross the street, he may be writing a future of a parter in life, a newfound friend, and even maybe a simple, sincere, and warm expression of gratitude. Man can change everything if he desires to, and because of historicity, man is always aware of his limitations and his possibilities.
We never have time for anything. We make time for everything.