Friday, August 1, 2008

A Crimson Tear Appears as Five

and joyful?


Everything has a reason
And everything has a rhyme?
Am I hurrying a season
And missing most of my time?

Why do you keep hoping
For something in the sky,
Why do you keep searching
For something forever high?

As life and strength fade
A heart sheds a tear.
Under night's endless shade,
A soul cringes in fear...

A new life
A new strength
Nothing but strife
Life's short cut length

Is torn

And ripped

By merciless events.

Time passes by
Tired people turn eternal
Wanting to die
The sorrow grows abysmal


Into the depths of oblivion
Souls seek rest.
Holding forever redemption
And merciful salvation.
No light shines through,
No warmth is kept;
Slowly letting go
Joy now is not felt...

Forever tomorrow,
Never today.
My mind turns narrow,
And emotions at bay;
Everything turns sorrow
I just have to say:

Your presence in my days
Made me realize I'm alive.
But now, my sanity sways;
A crimson tear appears as five.

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